Faculty of Theology


Doctoral Committee

Doctoral Committee

The Doctoral Committe of the Faculty of Theology (Promotionskommission) is responsible for organizing and controlling the process leading to a doctoral degree, for deciding on the grade for a doctoral thesis, for coordinating the development of doctoral studies generally, for decisions regarding the equivalence of degrees obtained outside the University of Bern, and for all other matters concerning doctoral degrees. The regulations regarding the Doctoral Committee can be found in German in the Regulations for the Organization of the Faculty of Theology (Fakultätsreglement).

Requests concerning the process leading to a doctoral degree and required documents (in particular the first Doctoral Agreement together with an outline) have to be submitted to the person presiding the Doctoral Committee.

Requests concerning research funding for matriculated doctoral students have to be submitted to the persons named on the respective form.

All requests have to be submitted one full week before the meeting of the Doctoral Committe (e.g., on Wednesday of the preceding week if the meeting is on a Thursday). The dates of the meetings of the Doctoral Committee can be found on an internal site in ILIAS.